Our Backers & Crew

In addition to our dedicated editorial team, we are grateful to the dozens of Kickstarter backers, social media boosters, and pre-orderers that are making it possible to publish Oleg’s book. Thank you all!

Akiko, Alastair, Alex, Alina, Andrea, Anita, Antje, Anton, Anna, Anna T., Anni, Antonina, April, Bailey, Barbara, Ben, Bernice, Betty, Betty M., Minister Boomer, Bruce, Camilla, Ceylan, Charlotte, Cheryl, Chris, Christine, Christopher, Claire, Clare,  Claudia, Coco, Connie, Corinne, Daniel, David W., Diane, Dima, Elsa, Eric, Eugenia, Felicity, Gavin, Greg, GoodInklings, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, Heather, Hernandez, Inna, Irina, James, Janet, Jared, Jan, Jared, Jason, Jenielle, Jennifer, Jochem, Jodi, Jonathan, Juko, Julia, Jurij, Karen, Karla, Kasja, Kate, Katherine, Kathleen, Kathryn, Kelly, Kerry, Kobzar, Kristin, Ksenia, Kumiko, Laura, Laura Williams Pages, Lesley, Leslie, Lindsay, Lindsay S., Lisette, Lorayne, Luis, Maria, Mariia, Marina, Marina, Marlene, Martin, MaryAnna, Maya, Megan, Melanie, Merja, Micha, Michael, Michele, Nancy, Natalja, Nicola, Odesa Sisters, Oksii, Oleg, Oleh, Oleksandr, Olena, Paul, Peggy, Ralph, Renee, Rika, Robert, Robin, Rootstock Publishing, Sally, Samantha, Sarah, Sebastian, Sergii, Shaggy Fella, Shaun, Shiela, Susanna, Susie, Suzi, Svet, Tanya, Tatyana, Teresa, Terri, Toonie Tuesday, Tracie, Ulf, Ulyana, Ute, Vincent, Volya Radio, Wende, Ziggy, Zoe.

Book Publishing Team

Oleg Veretskiy
Author, Soldier, Volunteer

I hope you enjoy this first book, and I thank you from the depths of my heart for your support of my writing and my country. The second and third parts of the Tales lie ahead!

Charlotte Pierce
Publisher, Pierce Press

It’s rare to find an author or human being like  Oleg Veretskiy. We are honored to publish his fantasy trilogy in English translation, as well as his “War Through My Eyes” essays.

Marina Palenyy Bailey
Translator, Teacher

I knew that Oleg had built a meaningful world because his story left me, a full-blown adult, needing to hear the ending. It’s been amazing to unlock this book for English readers.

Laura Williams
Web & Graphic Design

It’s been fascinating to work on the graphics and to build Oleg’s website. I feel like I have a backstage pass to the book production process and to Ukraine’s struggle.

 Megan McKenna

This project is right up my alley. I am a prose, script and poetry writer with a recent Pratt institute degree in writing & film. I love reading horror, magical realism, and memoir. I’m working on my own novel as well.

Kelly D. Shifflett
Team Angel, Psychologist

I care so much about this story, about the crew that is dedicated from the heart to see it through, about the author, and his beloved country at war…how can I not?”

Natalia Rusina

I’m an art therapist, psychologist, host of the transformational game “Matrix of Reality.” I’ve spent 15 years working with children and art. My work can be found on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

Luis Esteban Esquivel
Graphic Design & Layout

Luis entered our lives via the wandering mists of Argentina, and quickly impresssed us with his creativity, professional execution, and delightful personality. He’s merged seamlessly into the collaborative editorial team!

Tatyana Kagitina

Tanya has been a tireless volunteer for our editorial meetings with Oleg, in addition to creating quality uniforms for the Ukrainian military and running an Odesa-based textile business with her sister, Antonina. 

All content on this site © 2023 by Oleg Veretskiy and Pierce Press. All rights reserved.

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