Oleg Veretskiy, author


for Oleg’s launch party on Feb. 23 & 24, 2025!

(virtual or in-person, depending on your time zone!)

An Author, A War,

& A Magical Tale

Tales of the Wandering Mists trilogy

    • Book One: Tales of the Wandering Mists (Feb. 24, 2025)
    • Book Two: The Man with Four Shadows
    • Book Three: The House of Deceit

When Russia attacked Ukraine in February 2022, Oleg Veretskiy’s career as an author was just taking off. Without hesitation, Oleg put his writing career on hold to support his country’s fight for freedom and rebuilding.

Pierce Press is honored to be able to publish Oleg’s magical tale in English and eventually more languages, so that the world can enjoy his transcendent storytelling.

In recognition of Oleg’s courageous service, the publisher will transfer all net revenue for this first book in his trilogy to the author. 

Oleg Veretskiy at a book signing

Our collaborative editorial team

Oleg’s trilogy is translated by Marina Palenyy Bailey in close cooperation with author Oleg. Book One is at the printer, but Marina’s already diving head-first into Book Two! Our lead editor is Megan McKenna; UCCN Chronicles artist Daria Kochnieva created the cover illustration; digital nomad Luis Esquivel parries our complex requests and returns amazing graphics from Argentina; and Kelly Shifflett aka our “book-mother” troubleshoots, proofreads, cheerleads, and dispenses wisdom and calm. Laura Williams rocks as our WordPress web wizard.

Additional editing and proofreading by Ceylan Ozguner,
Maryam Nawaz, and Megan Harris.

All content on this site © 2023-2025 by Oleg Veretskiy and Pierce Press. All rights reserved; contact publisher for permissions.

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